360º Approach to
giving YOU the Edge

Illinois Baseball Edge, Ltd. (IBE) brings age specific hyper-personalized training to overhead throwing athletes to improve their performance, reduce injury risk, and educate families and coaches in how to train and prepare the mind and body for competition. 

Illinois Baseball Edge



Establishing Your Specific Baselines and Assessing Constraints


Preparing and Training the Body


Improving Velocity and Pitch Design

  • Underlying all of this is developing the mind set and work ethic of an elite pitcher. 
  • Regular re-assessment is key so that we can measure results over time
Meet the Owner

Ernie Smith

Ernie Smith, aka “Smitty”, founded the Illinois Baseball Edge, Ltd. in 2021. His coaching career began long before that in the summer of 1980, and continues to evolve today with over 110 seasons of experience (if one counts Spring, Summer, and Fall separately). His focus upon long term player development and performance enhancement, with measurable results, is an approach not often found in baseball or softball and has led to some significant milestones. In recent years that approach has blended well with the evolution of player centric training methods including hyper personalization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is the Illinois Baseball Edge, Ltd different?

A: We have:

  • An evaluative process that includes our home-grown strength and mobility assessment (S.C.O.R.E.) and various pitching related assessments (video, velocity, control, secondary pitches, recovery)
  • A player centric approach specific to overhead throwing athletes and the unique demands placed upon them
  • Personalization of training cycles for off-season, pre-season ramp-up, and in season
  • An elite cross-functional staff in one locale (coaching, performance therapy, physical therapy, physical training, data analytics)
  • A staff that takes advantage of the latest learning in performance training across all the silos of information in our sport


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